Readers & Reading Corner

Below you will find a link for the COMPULSORY 2019-20 READERS, plus a selection of articles on our READING CORNER and a number of texts under the heading FURTHER READING PRACTICE.
For the assessment of term READERS all students will take a test or complete an assignment. All other readings will be graded as EXTRA CREDITS.
1st  Bachillerato READERS, 2019-20
1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term

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For 1st term readers and extra credits (3rd term or optional readings) you should fill in the book review template below (upload it to Edmodo for all your classmates to read) and Write a Book Review following the directions HERE
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For 2nd term reader, you should complete the worksheet below.
Handing-in Deadline: Thursday 31st January 2019

Here you will find a bunch of selected articles on topics that may be of your interest. 

#1 Digital Natives

It is amazing to me how in all the hoopla and debate these days about the decline of education we ignore the most fundamental of its causes. Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. READ MORE…

#2 My Favourite Spanish Words (for a guiry).

The following is a list of my favorite words from two years of …READ MORE…

#3 Eight Words That Do Not Exist in English

First read the article HERE and then you may want to watch the interesting video that comes with it.
#4 Why People Learn Languages
Click HERE for reading this article.
#5  The Most Famous Polyglots on Youtube

You can read the article HERE and then watch polyglots speaking languages so fluently…
#6 Top 10 Tips to Learn a Language

Read and watch HERE.
#7  Seven Reasons Why Every American Should Learn Spanish

Click HERE for reading this article.


Also: for further reading practice and tests you may choose the topic of your interest HERE and do the comprehension task after reading.

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