Etiqueta: Grammar
Grammar 1º Grado Superior
Grammar revision Units 1 – 3Present SimpleFuture Simple (Will)Countable and uncountable nouns Countable and Uncountable nouns 2 Comparatives and Superlatives exercises Comparatives and Superlatives 2
Revision exercises
THE VERY BASICVerb To be Verb to have There is / there areImperativesA/an/somePossessive adjectivesPrepositions of placePresent simple CanWh- questionsPresent ContinuousPast simpleFuture with going toANSWERS
Cuadernos de Transición
Entrega el cuaderno a tu profesor al inicio del nuevo curso. Supondrá un máximo de 1 punto en tu nota de la primera evaluación.2º ESO4º ESO
Conditional Sentences… all of them!!!!!
On Target GamesDarts Games
Repaso de tiempos verbales
REPASO DE LOS TIEMPOS VERBALES REVISION OF VERB TENSES Present simple Recuerda que el presente simple se utiliza: • Con acciones rutinarias. I see my grandparents twice a week. Veo a mis abuelos dos veces por semana. • Con hechos Continúa la lectura
Let’s review the verbs we’ve been studying so far. Click on each heading and do the exercises: – Present Simple or Present Continuous? – Past Simple or Past Continuous? – Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?