Syllable Division Rules Separate prefixes and suffixes from root words. examples:  pre-view, work-ing, re-do, end-less, & out-ing Are two (or more) consonants next to each other? Divide between the 1st and 2nd consonants. examples:  buf-fet, des-sert, ob-ject, ber-ry, & pil-grim Never split 2 consonants that make only 1 sound when pronounced together and aren’t the Continúa la lectura

How to Write an Informative Essay

TO EXPLAIN A TOPIC YOU ARE THE EXPERT Write an outline Structure: Introduction: Thesis statement Body (2/3 paragraphs): Who….What….Why….How….Where….When Conclusion: Keep your audience interested and summarize what you stated in the introduction. Edit Don’t use informal language. Don’t give your Continúa la lectura